Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Baron is Disgusted Files : American Idol

The Baron is ashamed to admit that he watched about 15 minutes of American Idol last night during their auditions in Atlanta.

Now, don't get The Baron wrong, he thinks that this show is a perfect example of what's wrong with America, but he was shooting some darts and the TV happened to be on and he couldn't help but see some of it.

The Baron also realizes that the first few ep
isodes of this serial of misery and regret, focus primarily on laughably bad singing and a baker's dozen or so of narcissists arguing with the judges. But, last night they went so far over the line in lampooning a young man named Jesse Hamilton that it disgusted The Baron.

That's right, disgusted. This is the same The Baron who has been shoulders deep in a corpse and minutes later eaten general gao's chicken with his fingers. But the way they treated this man was so outrag
eous that The Baron actually became nauseous, and making The Baron queasy is a Rapeousaurusable offense.

Now, what made this particular incident so egregious is just how far they went to personally destroy this young man. They didn't just make fun of him in person (Mary J. Blige laughed in his face for a solid 5 minutes) they also made a dramatization of 3 incidences where he was nearly killed. So without further ado, let's launch into Idol's finest moment.

First we get to see what Jesse looks like. A somewhat sketchy but soft spoken young man. Did The Baron mention he's a welder? What more honorable blue collar job could he possibly have. Now we see a redneck caricature that is only marginally less offensive than throwing on some black face to depict an African American contestant.

Next, we see another grossly overwrought depiction of two sons of the soil having a good old time shooting at some cans. Note the retarded expressions.

Finally, we get to see redneck-Jesse getting run down by an automobile. Note the exaggerated prat-running. Almost like a cartoon.

Mind you we're constantly reminded that this is a "cheap dramatization" so that makes it ok. The Baron can't wait to see what happens when they have a Native American on. They going to show a 1930's bugs bunny cartoon and start whooping it up and making peace pipe references?

Not that The Baron had a lot of respect for American Idol to begin with, but this just confirms that the show is firmly entrenched in the lowest echelon of television programming and is guilty of promoting the downfall of America.

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