Monday, October 26, 2009

The Baron is Really Hurting Today : Brief Thoughts

As The Baron slowly recovers from self-induced weekend poisoning, he likes to reflect on the annoying little things he sees from time to time in his travels:

If you see a high school kid carrying a football around should you run up and try and slap it away? The coach wants him to work on his hands right?

A) You should always attempt to free the ball.
B) Only if you're of the same race.
C) Especially if you're the same race.
D) Especially if you're not the same race (to make it either more or less embarrassing).
E) All of the above.

What is an appropriate noise to make when a fat lady is about to sit on you on a train with too narrow seats?

A) A grunt of displeasure.
B) A grunt of surprise.
C) A grunt of lust.
D) A rumbling, frustrated, but resigned bellow.
E) "Is that free ham outside of the train?"

A hobo is making obnoxious comments and desperately trying to get a reaction out of someone so that he can launch into a tirade. What do you do?

A) Sit silently pretending to look at something with intense interest.
B) Get off at the next stop and get back on another car.
C) Preempt the hobo by viciously accosting the weakest looking person on the train.
D) A grunt of lust.
E) Pretend to have a heart attack, shitting and pissing yourself for effect.

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