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Some of Those New Butt Toning Shoe Commercials Are Aimed Squarely at Men and The Baron can Prove it!!
The Baron and The Little Baron are huge fans of the new Reebok butt toning shoe commercials, emphasis on huge. This miracle product promises to tone a lady's butt while she walks around in them with no additional effort! For all butt the fattest, laziest and most handicapped women this presents the perfect scenario: possibly a better looking pooper without doing anything thfey don't normally do all the time.
Now, it would seem that the ads for these shoes target solely women, butt...BUTT, The Baron has found evidence to support a heavy skewing towards penis-bearing individuals and not just females, shemales and trannys.
At first this appears to be a poor move, after all, giving a woman a pair of shoes that are supposed to make her butt look better might seem like Indian Giving. E.g. the man in question would be giving himself a gift (if he were involved in a plow-friendly relationship with said woman), for as the age old parable says : Man who give ass improving shoes to lady rewarded with taut ass in face and grinding on lap.
In addition, The Baron has heard that women become murderously angry when anyone so much as insinuates that their body isn't a work of art on permanent lease to god's foyer. Namely, giving ass enhancing shoes to a lady is a catch-22: Women desperately want to have better butts, butt they'll kill anyone who tries to help them augment said asses.
With that long winded explanation aside, The Baron will present his evidence that in spite of the danger, the reebok assass-in sneakers are advertised, at least partially to men.
So the first frame contains hooters. Everyone loves hooters, particularly The Baron. Butt these aren't ordinary hooters, they're talking hooters. Although men can appreciate the heft of a nice set of jugs, the cheekiness of these fun-bags and the matter of fact way they speak to each other is definitely meant to appeal to women. In addition, the milk-bar is collectively jealous of the lady's ass. Jealousy is one of the emotions that women have perfected over the millennia along with, spitefulness, nagginess, and naggicity.
In the next frame we get our first look at the ass of the hour. Don't get The Baron wrong, it looks like a fine ass, butt the full coverage bloomers this broad is wearing seem to scream "there's something wrong with the rest of my ass." Perhaps that something is assne, perhaps it's a huge patch of roadrash or really bony, gazelle-like hip bones, we don't know. Butt, The Baron does know one audience that will appreciate the less-than gratuitous crack shot. Ladies.
Then we get to the final, critical frame where The Baron's theory is proven. Now, if you've been doing your homework, you'll recognize that final shot as the fabled Peak-a-Boo-Growler-Surprise (Buttastic) ((You may also notice that The Baron spoke in the first person way back then)). There is simply no way in hell that this PBGS made it past the lady screeners without getting flagged. The PBGS is as blatant a wink to men as if a fat bearded guy shoved his face on frame, winked, gave a thumbs up and then smelled the lady's butt a little while making an expression of ecstasy.
In conclusion, The Baron has been proven right for the millionth time in matters where lady butts are concerned, so don't ever cross him again.......
The word Butt used 16X
The word Ass used 11X
Johnny Arrow is both accurate and precise.