Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Baron's Mailbag 003

The Baron,

Regarding your 6/9 outline of The Ultimate Men's Room, what are your thoughts on equipping the Throne Omega with a deli scale? For more accurate weight measurements, could splurge for a turlet-bowl-mounted triple beam balance.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.

1903: The Wright brother fist fuck the sky.

1969: America slips the moon a roofie.....and then the shocker.

2009: Anonymous emailer lays plans for the TTBB, the Turlet Triple Beam Balance.

This might be the best idea The Baron has ever heard. It's so simple, how didn't The Baron see it sooner!

Really, how is one to judge his fellow man's turds? By size alone? What if a person is known for taking huge fluffy dumps the consistency of whipped cream? Obviously there needs to be another form of evaluation, and that form is weight, in decagrams.

Once Throne Omega is equipped with a TTBB there will be no dispute as to who is the king of shitters.

Why the hell else did we learn to use those damn scales in high school? To better prepare us for a future of science? To learn how to measure out methamphetamine for our clients? Of course not!

Thank you anonymous contributor for the patent of the century. The Baron of course would be willing to split the massive profits that are going to be generated by this project. You've just made The Baron's day sir.

Now if you'll excuse The Baron, he has to go drop about 70 dg on a shiny metal platter.

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