You're driving along, minding your own business and obeying all the traffic rules that make sense. Without warning a skinny, rat-looking fellow begins to cross 4 lanes of traffic, in the middle of the street, without yielding, and without the benefit of a crosswalk.
Not wanting to be accused of murder, you slow your vehicle to allow him to make it to the other side. The fucknut looks to see that you're slowing down, then rather than continuing in a straight line to the curb. He begins to flatten out his trajectory and approach the sidewalk asymptotically. You can't continue on until he leaves the street or falls down a manhole and dies choking on shit and rat carcasses, yet he continues on, undaunted, metaphorically pissing in your face and wiping his dick with the American flag.
If confronted with a SBJW initiating the infinite cross, floor the accelerator and try to come as close as possible to the cankerous shit. If all goes according to plan, you will succeed in trapping the shitfuck in the middle of the road. Hopefully it will slowly starve to death and be picked clean by vultures and bleached by the relentless sun.
Don't be a victim, be a hero.
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