Thursday, January 28, 2010



There is no god. Or god is pissed at The Baron or is a spiteful hate-monger. Or god is actually one of those old greek ass-kicking gods that take perverse pleasure in fisting humanity into submission.

The Baron means WTF?!

Why can't Saab just die?

The Baron is sick and tired of having to see these rolling boots all over the damn place. Why can't you follow Pontiac's lead Saab? The Baron hates Pontiacs (because they are exclusively driven by assmasters) but he reserves a special (and large) portion of his brain just for thinking about how much he hates Saab.

And who the fuck is Spyker? That's like the name of some early 80's metal-band bassist who dies at the height of his popularity due to ether overdose. Fuck you Spyker!

This is a dark day indeed. If you need The Baron he'll be fighting off the nose-ebola that some filthy train-dweller infected him with.

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