Thursday, August 27, 2009

Stupidest Song Lyrics Ever 003

U2: I'm going to go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight.

Earlier this year, U2 decided to release a new album in which they spewed a thick slurry of liquid pompousness into the faces of assmaster nation. This colossal facial displayed every facet of the festering shit crystal known as pop music: Pretending to care about the Earth, Expensiveness, Simple Rhymes, Crotch Gyration and Pedophilia.

The above lyric, from the song of the same name is a goddamn travesty and a waste of valuable resources that could be spent locking Bono in an underwater cage.

The song in question could not have come at a worse time. The Baron's psychiatrist had just finished convincing him that U2 was not out to get him, and was not trying to personally insult him with every new album. And then, this horse sperm hit the airwaves:

"I'm going to go crazy if I don't go crazy tonight."

This is how the lyric sounds to The Baron

"I'm going to go crazy if The Baron, of doesn't stop fellating large, male pigs whilst trying to evade an amber alert, tonight."

So you can see why U2 needs to cut the shit, and accept their perpetual confinement in a bathysphere beneath the cold waves of the North Atlantic. They're allegedly (thanks lawyer friends!) a bunch of self-righteous monkey-rapers and they should stop dragging cats across guitars and wearing red sunglasses. Everyone knows they don't block out any light assmasters!


  1. On the list of Stupidest Song Lyrics Ever, U2 has spots uno, dos, tres, and catorce on lockdown.

  2. Excellent, excellent. That particular song always really pissed The Baron off because he was sure they didn't know that catorce was 14 and not 4. What a bunch of sheep fisting cumdongles.
