Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update in the Afternoon, For Now, Fart Annecdote

Just going to lay this one out there so that you may collapse in awe.

The security guard in my building ripped the worst fart in recorded history just before I came into the atrium today.

I think he left his desk and stood in the entry way to release his liquid feces because it was stifling in there.

When I opened the second set of doors expecting some relief I found that the lobby was only marginally less repulsive.

The sulfurous stench is probably an excellent facsimile of the odor of hell.

It even stank in the elevator.

When I got out on my floor, I went to the pissoir, and when I came back our elevator landing still smelled like shit.

I think I'm going to buy this guy a beer because that was a once in a lifetime fart he decided to share with me.

He's set the bar so high there's angels sitting on it.

I pretty much have to one up this guy right?

Unfortunately for him, The Baron's farts have killed laboratory horses under controlled conditions.

Game on security farter, game on.

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